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Areas of Development Cooperation

Construction of dike in Lobon Chura Road, © Embassy
Bangladesh is one of currently 47 bilateral partner countries of German Development Cooperation (GDC). As a result of the last government negotiations in May 2024 Germany pledged 180 Mio. EUR for bilateral development cooperation projects. Since the beginning of bilateral development cooperation in the 1970s Germany has provided more than 3,5 billion EUR for bilateral development cooperation projects in Bangladesh. Furthermore, since 2017 Germany has allocated more than 185 Mio EUR within its Development Cooperation to support the Rohingya Refugees and the host communities in the south-eastern part of the country. Projects of GDC are mainly implemented by the state owned implementing agencies GIZ, KfW and BGR. The Development Cooperation Section of the Embassy represents the political steering level in Bangladesh and coordinates with the Government of Bangladesh as well as with other development partners.
Our activities are focused on the following bilaterally agreed core areas:
1. Climate and Energy, Just Transition
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency:
The economy in Bangladesh has shown tremendous growth over the recent years. In order to meet the increased energy demand without harming the environment and climate, innovative solutions for the energy sector are needed. Germany supports Bangladesh’s efforts to achieve a maximum coverage through renewable and thus reliable energies sharing the experience from our own transition to renewables. Together with the Delegation of the European Union Germany is co-leading the Team Europe Initiative for Green Energy Transition.
Sustainable urban development (mobility, circular economy and waste management):
Rapid urbanization and the effects of climate change, such as severe floods, drought, cyclones and sea level rise pose immense challenges for Bangladesh's already overburdened cities. The German Development Cooperation (GDC) supports Bangladesh in coping with these challenges through planning and financing resilient infrastructure and reducing the vulnerability of poor city dwellers. In this context we increasingly favour low-carbon adaptation.
2. Sustainable Economic Development, Training and Employment
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET):
Bangladesh is confronted with major labour market challenges such as the prevalence of low-income, informal employment and youth unemployment. Skills development and TVET play an essential role to overcome this challenge. TVET is a relatively new area of GDC in Bangladesh. Germany plans to support Bangladesh in TVET and skills development within and beyond the garment sector (e.g. renewable energy sector), which could be a means to support the diversification of Bangladesh's economy and foster the transition to renewable energies.
Socially and environmentally sound supply chains, trade and sustainable infrastructure:
A special focus is put on improving labour conditions and environmental standards in the Ready Made Garment (RMG) sector as well as in other industries. In order to achieve the International Goals on Sustainable Development and Climate Action, global value and supply chains must be made sustainable not just in economic but also in social and ecological terms. Sustaining Bangladesh’s export-oriented growth strategy with the aim of graduating from Least Developed Country status will require a paradigm shift not only within the textile industry. Hence Germany supports sustainable textile production and enforcement of labour, social and environmental standards for the benefit and wellbeing of the workers as well as the diversification of industries in Bangladesh. German Development Cooperation has teamed up with private sector, employees, government, international partners and the ILO (International Labor Organization), as well as with civil society and academia. Germany is taking part in the Team Europe Initiative Decent Work. In order to support Sustainable Supply Chains Germany has also introduced the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains. In cooperation with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) German Development Cooperation provides two help desks for any queries in this regard for companies from all sectors in Bangladesh.
3. Conserving nature and natural resources, protecting life on Earth
German Development Cooperation is supporting strengthening the ecosystem-based governance of Bangladesh. To this end, German Development Cooperation fosters the national network of protected areas in Bangladesh through advancing digital technology, citizen science, fostering participation of women and youth involvement. This cooperation contributes to the biodiversity conservation in the Sundarbans area e.g. through an integrated management of the Coastal and Marine Areas of Sundarbans and Swatch of No Ground.
Cooperation outside the Core areas
Displacement and migration: Germany supports the Rohingyas and host communities in Bangladesh for their livelihoods, improving wastewater and waste management and education.
Feminist Development Policy:
German Development Cooperation is mainstreaming the support for women and girls in all its intervention areas. Additionally, dedicated projects with a feminist development approach sharpen this profile.
Multilateral and Civil Society Development Cooperation:
Aside from bilateral cooperation, German Development Cooperation works through multilateral institutions to implement development projects (the United Nations and its specialised agencies, international financial institutions like the World Bank Group and the Asian Development Bank) and the European Union. Civil society organizations, faith based organisations and political foundations also implement development cooperation projects in various sectors including rural development, policy advisory, democratic and participatory development and business promotion and receive funding for this purpose.