Relaxation of restrictions on entry to Germany for vaccinated persons from 25 June 2021

Schengen Visum, © colourbox
From 25 June 2021, entry to Germany will be possible for persons from Bangladesh who have been fully vaccinated against the Sars CoV 2 coronavirus with one of the vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Fully vaccinated persons will then once again be able to enter Germany for the purpose of visits and as tourists.
However, this does not apply to entry to Germany from countries that are classified as areas of variant of concern (https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Transport/Archiv_Risikogebiete/Risikogebiete_aktuell_en.pdf?__blob=publicationFile). Entry to Germany from these areas continues to be prohibited.
Only persons who have been vaccinated with one of the vaccines listed on the website of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (https://www.pei.de/EN/newsroom/dossier/coronavirus/coronavirus-content.html;jsessionid=BFEB5AC0589AE75E8E110A71FFEB2BFF.intranet211?cms_pos=3) and whose last required vaccination was administered at least 14 days ago can enter Germany. This currently applies solely to vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The plan is to extend this to other vaccines with a comparable level of protection as soon as the necessary tests have been completed.
To enter Germany, a digital EU COVID certificate or comparable proof of vaccination in digital or analogue form (paper form) in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish must be presented. This must always include:
- the personal data of the vaccinated person (at least family name, first name and date of birth),
- date of vaccination, number of vaccinations,
- name of vaccine,
- name of disease vaccinated against,
- name and address of the person/institution responsible for administering the vaccine, and
- written documentation or electronic confirmation with a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal from the person responsible for administering the vaccine; if such information is not possible for administrative reasons, the confirmation provided by the person/institution responsible should appropriately be made clear, specifically through the use of a stamp or a state symbol.
In the case of a person who has recovered from infection, a single dose of a vaccine is sufficient. As proof of full vaccination for a recovered person, proof must also be provided that they had the SARS CoV 2 coronavirus before their vaccination. As proof of this illness, a positive PCR test dating back at least 28 days and at most six months must be presented. The proof of illness must be written in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish and available in digital or analogue form (paper form).
Further information is available under the following link: https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/civil-protection/coronavirus/coronavirus-faqs.html