
FAQ - opportunity card

10.12.2024 - FAQ

FAQ - opportunity card


Applications for opportunity card will only be accepted via the Consular Services Portal.

There is a waiting time for opportunities cards therefore it is understandable that the blocked account and the health insurance cannot be provided immediately.

The block account and the health insurance need to be submitted before the decision. You can upload a page in our system that you plan on providing those later.

The blocked account has to provide funds covering the number of months you want to get the visa for. If you only want to get the opportunity card for 6 months you will only have to provide funds for 6 months

The German embassy cannot accept a certificate by WES. We only accept German evaluations for degrees.

Anabin is a platform generated by decisions already taken by the ZAB. Therefore, it is normal that not every degree is already included. The platform grows with every verification process.

The anabin print-out has to provide information about the university and about the degree. The degree has to be the exact same as the degree on your diploma.

If the anabin print-out is not fitting exactly you have to apply for a Statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).

No, please see the question above.

In principle, the opportunity card is to look for gainful employment. This also includes self-employment. So, you could check and look for opportunities for self-employment.

Please note, however, that the plausibility of the application must also be checked as part of the visa process.

This also includes the point that it must be possible to obtain a further residence permit in Germany after the opportunity card has expired.

In the case of the opportunity card, this would be a residence title in accordance with § 21 of the Residence Act. Accordingly, at least the basic requirements for this must be recognizable and plausible.

More information about self-employment can you find here.

In the case of the opportunity card subject to the point system the applicant needs to have a degree but this degree does not have to be equivalent to a German degree.

In this case the condition is that it has to be recognized by the state where the degree was accomplished. This recognition is also verified by ZAB. It is not the responsibility of the embassy to verify this (§ 20a IV 4 AufenthG).

In principle, the opportunity card is to look for gainful employment. This also includes self-employment. So, you could check and look for opportunities for self-employment.

Please note, however, that the plausibility of the application must also be checked as part of the visa process.

This also includes the point that it must be possible to obtain a further residence permit in Germany after the opportunity card has expired.

In the case of the opportunity card, this would be a residence title in accordance with § 21 of the Residence Act. Accordingly, at least the basic requirements for this must be recognizable and plausible.

More information about self-employment can you find here.

In general, it is possible for you spouse and children to apply for a family reunion visa if you apply for an opportunity card. But the German Embassy Dhaka has a waiting list for family reunion visa which has to be observed in all cases. It is not possible to expedite this process for families of opportunity card applicants.

Please note the question above.

If your family joins you on the basis of a family reunion visa the responsible foreigner authority has to be involved by us. This authority has to verify the funds for the living expenses of the family members. This is dependent from the part of Germany you plan to live therefore the embassy cannot provide you with information about that. You should get in contact with the responsible foreigner’s authority.

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