Visa Information
Depending on the purpose and duration of your stay in Germany you can either apply for a short-term “Schengen visa” or for a long-term “German national visa” for stays over 90 days.
To find out which documents you have to prepare, please read the section below according to your visa type.
Schengen Visa German National Visa
All Visa Applicants (both short- and long-term) should fill up the “Declaration of Consent”, sign it and submit it with the visa application. Please download it from here: Declaration of Consent
To find out what visa you should apply for, please use our Visa Navigator
Going to Germany?
We hope you understand that we cannot respond individually to questions featured in this section. Please write an email to the Visa Section if you have not found the answer to your question.
Visa fees are payable in BDT only (may vary according to the Embassy’s exchange rate). The fees are fixed in Euro – therefore the equivalent in Bangladeshi currency may vary according to the exchange…
When applying for visa, you can provide evidence that you are able to meet your living costs by opening a blocked bank account. You have free choice of provider. Please note that incomplete or…
Health Insurance Companies whose travel insurance policies are currently being accepted by the Schengen States (in alphabetical order): Name of insurance company Asia Pacific General Insurance…
Accepted Medical Insurance Providers for travel to Schengen States
If you are insured with a German legal health insurance then you are automatically sufficiently insured. However, if you have private health insurance, an individual case examination is required. Only…
All family reunion applicants desiring to join their spouse residing in Germany have to provide proof that they possess a sufficient basic knowledge of the German language. This is to ensure that, upon…