
Information on Family Reunions with EU / EEA Citizens


Please note that the information below is solely relevant for cases in which a third-country citizen intends to reunite with his / her relative having any EU or EEA citizenship while not having German citizenship.

Appointment for application submission:

Please note that visa applicants for a Family Reunion Visa with EU / EEA citizens have to register for an appointment prior to submitting their application via our website

Admission to the Visa Section of the German Embassy will only be granted at the time of the scheduled appointment. Being late for more than 15 minutes will consequently result in scheduling a new appointment.

For all categories mentioned below, the following documents need to be submitted:

- Two application forms, dated and signed with a contact cell phone number and email address (all blank spaces filled up where applicable, using a computer or print letters)

- Two biometric photographs no older than six months

- Valid passport (until three months after the expiration of the visa applied for)

- Two photocopies of their passport data page (identification page)

- Birth certificates of the applicant on Govt. Form 3-A (original and two copies)

- Birth certificate of the relative of the applicant residing in Germany (if born in Bangladesh on Govt. Form 3-A) (original and two copies)

- Registration certificate of the applicant’s relative residing in Germany (in German: “Meldebescheinigung”) (two copies, no original required)

- In case of reunion with an employed relative: Proof of employment (e.g. work contract, salary statement or bank statement showing salary entry)

- In case of reunion with an unemployed relative: Proof of sufficient means of subsistence (German: “Existenzmittel”) & proof of health insurance coverage

- If applicable: Affidavit before a notary public regarding a change of name

In addition to the documents mentioned above, please see below which documents need to be submitted depending on how the applicant is related to the EU / EEA citizen.

1. Reunion with Spouses

- Marriage Certificate (for all confessions, issued by the authority in charge) (original and two copies)

- For Muslims: Nikah Nama in Bengali and in English with address of the Kazi Office (original and two copies)

- Photocopy of all passport pages of the applicant’s spouse (including empty pages) of the passport which was valid during the date of marriage (one copy)

- If applicable: Marriage and divorce documentation of earlier marriages (or death certificates) (originals and two copies, respectively)

- In case of Muslims having divorced in Bangladesh: Divorce notice and receipt confirmation of the local council and extract from the Marriage and Divorce Register (originals and two copies, respectively)

2. Reunion with Parent(s) / Relatives in the Ascending Line (if applicant is less than 21 years old on the day of filing his / her application)

- Marriage Certificate of the parents (for all confessions, issued by the authority in charge) (original and two copies)

- For Muslim parents: Nikah Nama in Bengali and in English with address of the Kazi Office (original and two copies)

- Photocopy of all passport pages of the applicant’s parent residing abroad (including empty pages) of the passport which was valid during the date of marriage of the parents (one copy)

- If applicable: Marriage and divorce documentation of earlier marriages (or death certificates) (originals and two copies, respectively)

- In case of Muslims having divorced in Bangladesh: Divorce notice and receipt confirmation of the local council and extract from the Marriage and Divorce Register (originals and two copies, respectively)

- In case of minors who are born out of wedlock or were born during a previous marriage: Proof of legal custody (originals and two copies)

- In case of reunion with grandparents or great-grandparents: birth certificates as well as marriage certification establishing relationship between the EU / EEA citizen and the applicant (originals and two copies, respectively)

3. Reunion with Relatives in the Ascending or the Descending Line who grant Maintenance to the Applicant

- Birth certificates as well as marriage certification establishing relationship between the EU / EEA citizen and the applicant (originals and two copies, respectively)

- Proof of maintenance being provided by the EU / EEA citizen (e.g. bank statements) (two copies, no original required)

4. Reunion with an EU / EEA Relative studying in Germany (Only permissible for his / her spouse and / or children who receive maintenance from him / her)

- Proof of current enrolment at a German university (two copies, no original required)

Missing documents may be handed in after the application has been filed with the Embassy. They are to be sent by post or handed in in person at the Embassy’s gate. The five-digit file number of the application must be indicated on the envelope.

All photocopies must be fully legible and will be refused in case they are not. It is expected that an applicant is reachable through the cell phone number and email address provided on the application form.

Failure to produce any of the documents above or further documents required within a set period of time is likely to lead to refusal of the application. Deadlines set may be extended after consultation with the officer in charge.

Certificates issued by Bangladeshi authorities:

- Must be verified by the Embassy, exceptions are not admissible

- For the process a sketch map of your permanent and present addresses are needed as well as family pictures with your relative (wedding pictures, if applicable)

Duration of the visa application process:

- Overall: Depending on the individual case – not less than twelve weeks

- Verification of certificates issued by Bangladeshi authorities: ten weeks at least

- Failure to produce necessary documents will prolong the visa application process


- For the document verification process: BDT 28,000/- (subject to change)

- Instructions on how to pay the fees applicable will be given by the consular officer when submitting the application.

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